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A better way to feel better.

Our high-quality hemp-based CBD products are designed to help you live a balanced while feeling your best.
When To Take CBD Oil for Sleep: A Guide for Restfulness

Sleep is a critical—yet often neglected—factor for overall health and well-being. Sleep is just as vital for our health as a well-balanced diet and regular exercise. However, according to the CDC, it’s estimated that one in three adults don’t get enough sleep. Sleep helps regulate our metabolism and weight, boosts our immune system, promotes mood stability, helps prevent cardiovascular diseases, and improves cognitive functions such as thinking and concentration, short- and long-term memory retention, and attention, among many other important roles.

If you’re like me, you understand the importance of sleep but lay in bed at night exhausted, wide-awake, watching the time pass more and more quickly as you calculate how many hours of sleep you’ll be able to get now if you could just fall asleep.

More and more people are turning away from melatonin and sleeping pills and welcoming cannabidiol (CBD) oil into their nightly routine. Let’s take a look at how CBD oil works to improve sleep, when to take it, and how much to take.

How CBD Oil Works To Improve Sleep

While more research is required to fully understand the mechanisms in which CBD reduces mild anxiety, mitigates pain, and improves sleeplessness, anecdotal evidence suggests the benefits may be related to the interaction between CBD and receptors within the endocannabinoid system (ECS). This is important because the ECS plays an integral role in the regulation of processes and functions including sleep, mood, pain, inflammation, and memory

Another potential mechanism that may explain the sleep benefits of CBD may be linked to the body’s cortisol levels. Cortisol is a steroid hormone responsible for regulating a wide range of important processes throughout the body, including sleep-wake cycles. In one study, researchers discovered that cortisol levels decreased significantly when subjects took large doses of CBD oil, suggesting that CBD may act as a sedative through its impact on the release of cortisol.

How and When To Take CBD Oil for Sleep

Different doses of CBD oil are likely to produce different benefits. While smaller amounts of CBD may act as a stimulant and provide a calming effect and sense of clear-headedness, larger amounts of CBD may act as a sedative.

With that in mind, it’s often recommended that when exploring CBD oil to improve sleep you should first start by trying CBD oil during the day. This will allow you to gauge your body’s unique response to your initial dosage and adjust accordingly when taking it before bed to receive optimal results.

Another important factor for incorporating CBD oil into your nightly routine is understanding when to take CBD, as the effects are not immediate. Many recommend taking CBD about an hour before sleep to give it time to take effect within the body. For the highest efficacy and speed of absorption, CBD oil in tincture form is taken sublingually, meaning you place the oil under your tongue and let it sit there for 30 seconds before swallowing.

How Much Should You Take?

In general, improved sleep is typically achieved with higher doses, however, everyone’s perfect dose is unique; too much CBD can be just as ineffective as too little. CBD doses for sleep can range anywhere from 40 mg to 160 mg, or more. You may start with a dose of 60 mg and gradually ramp up or decrease your dose to find your sweet spot. 

Side Effects of CBD Oil and Safety Considerations

We have seen on some occasions slight allergies to various terpenes or the MCT oil—the carrier oil which is derived from coconuts. Full-spectrum CBD contains an array of cannabinoids from the hemp plant including trace amounts of THC (under 0.3%), and these all have the potential to have a unique impact on each person. CBD can also interact with certain medications, so it’s always recommended you talk with your doctor before using CBD. Many CBD oil companies mislabel or misrepresent their products. So, before you purchase CBD oil, do your research on the company and its quality control protocols. Look for products that:

  • Are third-party tested for quality and safety

  • Have clear labeling of CBD concentration and THC percentage

  • Provide a full list of ingredients

  • Do not contain additional fillers, chemicals, or byproducts

  • Use high-quality, US-grown hemp plants

Discover a Better Way to Sleep Better With Feals

At Feals, we are dedicated to providing you a better way to feel better—and sleep better. Our CBD oils contain only full-spectrum hemp and USDA-certified organic MCT oil and nothing else. We complete rigorous internal and third-party testing of our products to ensure we are providing the highest quality, purest CBD oil possible.

Whether you’re new to CBD oil or are looking to use CBD oil to get a better night’s rest, Feals is here to help you to feel at your best.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. This article is for informational purposes only. It is not, nor is it intended to be, a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment and should never be relied upon for specific medical advice.

To learn more about when to take CBD oil for sleep or about what Feals can do for you, call our CBD hotline at 844-311-9090 or check out our products today.

Ella BrooksElla Brooks Ella has worked as a Product Development Scientist in the wellness industry for over 10 years and is passionate about the long-term benefits of CBD.

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Dislikes: Bad coffee, not having a good bookmark.